WORLD SLEEP DAT | March 13th

It's another weekend 💃💃💃

And guess what?

Today is World Sleep Day ... Funny right? 🤣🤣🤣

Wellness Maya commemorate the Day... Who doesn't like to sleep? 🥱😁.

Before, I continue...

What have you planned for today?

Going to owanbe or just want to stay indoor and rest?

If the latter is your plan, then this for you.

Taking a chill pill after a stressful week is essential for your overall functionality.

Sleep is a physiological behavior that is common in all animal species. It forms around one third of a human life. It is not known clearly the exact functions of sleep but it seems to be essential for survival as prolonged sleep deprivation leads to severe physical impairment followed by cognitive loss and eventually death.

Sleep disturbances are important clinically as they are indicators of almost all types of psychiatric ailments.

Sleep is a state where awareness to environmental stimuli is reduced. Sleep is different from states of coma, hibernation and death by the fact that it can be rapidly reversed.

Sleep is classified into stages. Each of the stages are almost distinct and for a cycle of sleep. These cycles tend to repeat more than once every night as the person sleeps.

Each cycle takes about 1hour 30 mins to 2hours, depending on individuals. Waking up after 1 or 2 cycles might suffice and your will feel alert, if you want take some time off to sleep. If not, sleep more and study your body to know what works for you. Studying your body helps you to condition your body and manage time (sleeping consume time you know 🥱 before you know it the day is gone).

The amount of sleep varies among individuals. The usual requirement of sleep is around 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Some individuals may function well with less than 6 hours per night while some may need around 12 hours of sleep.

How many hours of sleep gives you satisfaction?

Haven't had enough sleep from last night?

Why not take some hours off to sleep and study how long a sleep cycle will take you.
