By Masturah Balogun
We've all heard it many times,
"Ah, I used shea butter and I just went dark so suddenly it's as if they off light on my skin ",
or you use an "organic " product that doesn't appear to be fast working, instead you darkened.
Or talks about Shea butter from Congo being the best that won't darken your skin.
Some said they used sunblocks and it also darkened them. Why is this so?
Let's flash back to our topic on melanin which is the black colour that our body produces, we said it is what?
A form of healing for the skin.
When we sustain injuries and our skin heals, it does what? It darkens, this is how the skin heals itself.
We say black don't crack because black skin has a bit of protection against the sun, right?
Now all skin ingredients manufactured in the lab are mostly toxic. That's the fact!
Not that it will kill you, no it won't especially if you use the safe ones but have you asked yourself why most skincare ingredients actives are not advised to be used in pregnancy?
Because it might alter things in your unborn baby.
These ingredients might be sourced from natural items but they've been altered in the lab.
Some are synthetic items we add to beauty products especially lightening agents and they vary from safe to dangerous.
On the other hand, natural occurring ingredient always seek to heal you.
Zinc oxide is naturally sourced ingredient. Shea butter is naturally sourced, most "organic " creams that aren't fast action products also contain natural ingredients that will first off seek to heal your skin.
That's why some might use natural items like turmeric and stuff and they say it darkened them.
This is aside natural items that has citric acid like orange peel or lemon peel which might make you more sensitive to sun therefore darkening you.
But the point is, natural items will first off darken you then begin to glow you.
That's why when someone who's naturally very dark uses Shea butter for like six months and is glowing and you ask the secret of their glow and they tell you shea butter, you think they are lying.
This is because the skin has undergone the healing process and detoxing of the skin before it begins to blossom and glow but for the rest of us, it feels as if one day of our skin darkening feels like five years, we begin to panic once we begin to darken and we rush to do something fast to correct that.
Same thing with sunblock! It will initially appear to darken you because like all natural occurring ingredient, zinc oxide will seek to heal you before you begin to see the difference to your skin tone but once you give it time and keep using and being consistent, you realise you emerge like a phoenix out of the ashes, you just begin to blossom.
So if you can be patient, your dog will eat the fattest bone.
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