The More You Laugh, The Healthier Your Heart Become!


Does anything feel better than a really honest hearty laugh?

Laughter is a physiological response that involves rhythmic and involuntary action, and denotes merriment, happiness, or joy.  Over the past several years , countless of  studies have been conducted that show the positive effects  laughing has on one’s physical and mental health.

There is a gaping chasm between the number of times the average child laughs each day as compared to the average adult. Our children are laughing between 300-400 times every day.  Ladies and gents, we shouldn’t hold back on our giggles, laughs, smiles, guffaws and snorts. Not only does it release feel-good endorphins and boost our sense of well-being – it does amazing things for our heart health!

Endorphins are your body's natural, feel-good brain chemicals. They can temporarily relieve pain and protect your heart by helping reduce blood pressure. When you lower your blood pressure, you reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Laughter is good for your body, mind and soul.

Benefits Of A Hearty Laugh For Better Heart Health

  • It increases blood vessel function: When you laugh, your brain releases beta-endorphins, which leads to the release of nitric oxide.  Nitric oxide is a powerful chemical that dilates the endothelium, the inner lining of your blood vessels.  Nitric oxide also reduces inflammation and prevents the build-up of cholesterol. 

  • It counts as cardio exercise:  Laughter has the same benefits of a cardio workout!  It gets your heart pumping and burns the same amount of calories as walking. Not to mention, it lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol. 

  • It strengthens your immune system: Studies show that laughing can boost your NK (natural killer) cells.  NK cells is a t ype of white blood cell that play a major role in fighting off viruses and bacteria. 

  • It reduces stress: Cortisol and epinephrine are two of the hormones that are released when your body is exposed to stress.  Long-term release of these hormones can lead to depression, anxiety, weight gain, and increase your risk of heart disease.  Laughing reduces the stress hormones in your body, which opens up blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. 

  • It benefits last long: Laughter is spontaneous and there are so many different types.  Studies show that the effects of “mirthful” laughter can last 24 hours.  Arteries stay relaxed and stress levels stay low.

  • It improves good cholesterol levels: A small study of diabetic patients with high cholesterol and high blood pressure found that laughter increased levels of good cholesterol (HDL) by 26% at the end of one year in participants who spent 30 minutes laughing each day.

  • Reduce your risk of heart disease
    Laughter is good for your cardiovascular system because it helps prevent a build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your artery walls. Laughing leaves a lasting and positive effect on your blood pressure and relaxes your body. Seeking out positive or humorous experiences can change your physiology and help you stay well. 

  • Increase blood flow
    When you laugh your blood vessels expand, increasing blood flow throughout your body. Having a healthy blood flow means your heart, muscles, arms and legs are getting an optimal flow of oxygen-rich blood, which helps reduces your risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. 

Fun Ways To Laugh Everyday

Just as Thanksgiving teaches us that there is always something to be thankful for, the compassionate doctors at Providence Health & Services want to keep your heart healthy by helping you find something to laugh about each day:

  • Do something silly - Take yourself a little less seriously and make time to laugh at yourself 

  • Have a favorite comedian - Choose your favorite comedian and look for some of their comedy routines on YouTube.

  • Host a dinner party - Social gatherings have a way of creating a happy atmosphere filled with humor.

  • Befriend a funny person - Some people are just naturally funny. They may have a way with words, or they may have a wacky way of looking at the world. These people are gems. If you find one, befriend them immediately.

  • Read something funny - Grab the funny pages or a joke book and take a break for laughter 

  • Play with your kids - You’d be surprised how much laughter can come out of a game of hide and seek 

  • Make time for fun activities - Enjoying amusement park rides, bowling or karaoke always gets the giggles going.

  • Smile more - Yes, I know: smiling is not laughing. However, smiling also has a myriad of benefits. When you smile, happiness  begin to take place automatically, both internally and externally.

  • Have more fun on date night - Keep your relationship strong by laughing more with your partner. On date night, go to a comedy club. If you want to stay in, make some popcorn and watch a funny movie.

  • Play fun games with friends - Playing competitive party-style games with a group of friends you enjoy hanging out with will have you laughing in no time. 

I hope you laugh through my post! After all, laughter is the best medicine. Live your life to the fullest by laughing more.


  1. 😊😊😊😊😊. İ İ guess I did smile

  2. 😊😊😊, one of the thing I use in relieving myself from stress


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